Become a WWOOF Canada Ambassador

Jan 4, 2023

Are you a WWOOFer interested in going the extra mile to build a community conscious of ecological farming and growing practices? Volunteer with WWOOF Canada as a WWOOF Ambassador. You will help verify host farms, ensuring that they are following WWOOF’s principles and that they are providing the best possible experience for future WWOOFers. WWOOF Ambassadors can also share stories from the farm (written, photo, video, etc.), help hosts improve their WWOOF profiles, and spread the word about WWOOFing in the world

What Will I Receive as an Ambassador?

As a WWOOF Ambassador you will volunteer to strengthen the WWOOF community and create a better experience for future WWOOFers on their own journey. WWOOF ambassadors will receive a free WWOOF Canada membership for as long as they are acting in this role. They can also receive a social media & website feature and reference letter attesting to their good work as an ambassador. In addition, you will receive WWOOF Canada SWAG, such as a sustainably sourced WWOOF tote bag or T-shirt. 

Will I Make a Good Ambassador?

A WWOOF Canada Ambassador is a WWOOFer who has a passion for sustainable agriculture and organic farming, has knowledge of the worldwide WWOOF movement, and practical experience with WWOOF in Canada or abroad. The WWOOFer wishes to strengthen the WWOOF community to help further WWOOF’s mission of linking visitors with organic farmers, promoting an educational exchange, and building a global community conscious of ecological farming practices.
The Ambassador will be responsible for being a friendly representative of WWOOF while WWOOFing at the host farm, and in their role as a verifier will ensure that the host meets the standard requirements for welcoming WWOOFers to their farm. 

Interested in finding out more? Email 

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