A Farewell Message from Becky Young, WWOOF Canada’s Longtime Executive Director

(Photo: Becky, WWOOF Canada’s outgoing Executive Director)

On February 1, 2024, Becky Young, WWOOF Canada’s longtime Executive Director retired after 14 years at the helm. Below is Becky’s farewell letter to WWOOF Canada’s members.

Click here to learn more about Becky’s accomplishments as WWOOF Canada’s Executive Director. Click here more information on WWOOF Canada’s exciting transition to a non-profit organization.

Farewell Message from Becky:

Dear WWOOF Canada members,

It’s official, I’m now retired!

It has been a great pleasure working with Robin Young (WWOOF Canada’s new Executive Director) these past 4 years, and I very much appreciate that he cares deeply and puts his heart and soul into WWOOF.  I have every confidence in his ability, and the ability of WWOOF Canada’s new Coordinator Catherine, and the new Board of Directors. I know that this group will help guide WWOOF in Canada, and (as a member of  FoWO) WWOOF around the world, into a very successful future.

My journey with WWOOF, beginning as a WWOOFer in Australia in the 1980’s, has been full of adventures. I am very grateful for having had the opportunity to work for WWOOF Canada for the past 14 years and to have been both a WWOOF host and a WWOOFer. 

It is through the willingness and graciousness of WWOOF hosts, by welcoming WWOOFers into their personal lives and by sharing their knowledge, that many individuals have been impacted in positive and powerful ways. Hundreds of thousands of people, throughout WWOOF’s 52+ year history, have learned from hosts the importance of living sustainably, growing food organically, and of supporting their local growers. Many have gone on to become organic farmers themselves.  WWOOFers are keen learners and provide support to farmers and growers to do their endless and loving work. I offer my gratitude to the hosts and WWOOFers who make up the WWOOF community and heartfelt thanks for the cherished opportunities I’ve had to get to know many of you.

I’m teary eyed as I write this. I love the passion and camaraderie of the WWOOF family and I will miss all of you! But, I’m excited for the future and I look forward to filling my days in new and creative ways. And, of course, I hope to go WWOOFing once again soon!

With much love and a fond farewell,  
