WWOOF Canada Photo Contest Winners!

Sep 13, 2022

The last few months we’ve put the call out to our members to show (and tell) the world how WWOOFing has made a difference in their life. We asked them to take to social media to tell a story or share photos from their time on the farm. We’ve been ecstatic at how the community has responded – we have been moved and inspired. Below we’ve listed our favourites from those submitted:

September Photo Winner – Michel Richard (Camp Caché)

Link to the winner announcement post on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQOiSDspT8/

Caption: “Marie-Sarah Messier and her French friend Aziliz”

August Photo Winner – Yuki Yamamoto

Caption: N/A

Link to the winner announcement post on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CiAY193A_Cv/

The Finalists :

July Photo Winner – Mathias Larch

Link to the winner announcement post on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CguJ0hQOIli/

Caption: “Me and my girlfriend WWOOFed at the Ponderosa Sheep farm in Oyama BC and i can say that was definitely the best experience of my and our life. Everyday was a pleasure and we loved every minute.⁠

We have to go back home to Austria by end of august but as we are totally in love with Shropshire Sheeps now (and dogs), our next plan is to build our own flock.⁠

Wwoofing is awesome, thanks that i‘m part of it.⁠


The Finalists :

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