Region Spotlight: Horses, Beekeeping, Bison and Flower Farms | The Prairies

Feb 7, 2023

This month, we are shining a spotlight on the Canadian Prairies. 

The prairies can sometimes be Canada’s forgotten region. A whole quarter of the country that too often gets overlooked. BC has the mountains, the Maritimes have the ocean, Ontario has Canada’s biggest metropolitan areas, and Quebec has their unique francophone culture and language.

The prairies certainly have their fair share of farming, but most of us bring to mind giant combines and endless acres. Nothing suitable for your average WWOOFer, right? Wrong. The prairies are alive with small-scale organic growers excited to welcome you to their farm. But what do they have to teach?

Check out a selection of the WWOOF hosts ready to welcome you to the land of living skies. 

This farm explodes with colour every spring. A U-pick flower farm, these hosts will teach you all about seed starting, transplanting, soil preparation, attending compost, irrigation maintenance, and the harvesting of cut flowers.

This honey farm is situated in the middle of Canada’s best honey producing region. You’ll take part in bee yard work, including raising queens, starting hives, and the honey harvest.

This farm is centred mainly around horses (though they raise other animals and have a garden as well). Depending on the time of year, you might welcome new foals to the farm, ride and train horses, fix fences, or check on the horses in the pasture.

Kylee and her partner have many skills to share with their WWOOFers including 20 years of Reiki practice, herbalism, wild foraging, regenerative farming, permaculture, composting, plant starting, nutrition, animal husbandry, gardening, butchering, and hunting.

Assist these two young families in managing their market garden, baking sourdough for Market, foraging for wild greens and berries, and tapping maple trees for syrup.

Coming to this farm means learning the ins and outs of raising Pastured Bison. You will have the opportunity to take part in every step of the process, from their feeding to their dignified death and harvesting.

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