How to Work Remotely While Living on a Farm in Canada

Mar 30, 2023

Photo: Makers Acre Farm, Ontario

As distance work becomes common, many WWOOFers are considering doing paid computer work while living on the farm. While this is an exciting new opportunity, there are a few things you should consider when looking to work remotely while WWOOFing in Canada:

  1. Does the host have a good internet connection? This means off-grid farms are off the table, but even less remote farms may not have the kinds of upload and download speeds you need. Check the host’s profile to see if they mention their internet and then double-check with them when you do your pre-visit host-WWOOFer phone call. 
  2. Do the host have a good space to work? An indoor space where you can work without being disturbed is crucial for successfully getting your work hours in while on the farm. Tell the host when you message them exactly what kind of space will work for you (access to power, internet, quiet, etc.)
  3. What is the daily routine like for WWOOFers? Do WWOOFers work the same hours every day, allowing you to know when they will have time for remote work? Or is every day different, meaning it will be difficult to set a consistent work schedule?
  4. Are you able to balance your work life with your WWOOF life? Have a serious conversation with the host about how your remote work will impact your presence on the farm. Be honest about how your computer job will affect your WWOOFing schedule, your ability to socialize, and your ability to help out with chores such as cooking and cleaning. First and foremost, you are at the farm to WWOOF and your remote work should not interfere with that. 

If you sort out all of these considerations, we are sure you can find a great WWOOFing situation where you can work at the same time. Feel free to reach out if you have further questions. 

Have other questions about working remotely while WWOOFing? Feel free to reach out to us at

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